Affiliated to Hemchand Yadav University, Durg (C.G.)
Application to be a new voter NCTE Document 2020-21


Director's Desk
We are witnessing a phenomenal change in the education scenario. The change has been both in terms of the content as well as the reach. The trend has been to install the element of excellence in every field. In fact, this has been a very crucial moment for us in taking important decisions to provide what is much needed for the students of this region as well as our country.
We are aware of the needs of this region. To make Chhattisgarh state a knowledge based superpower in the next decades or two, we have stepped in to meet the present day academic milliew for the student community. The idea is to create opportunities in various field by incorporating latest sepcialities of learning, which would cater to the critical needs of the industry and economy.We are trying in our college to make education more & more vocational and skill based. This will surely result in better employability & greater productivity.
Friends, I invite you to join us in our endeavor to create a knowledge based information society that fortfies the intellectual, physical, mental and spiritual dimensions of individuals.
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